Streamline your
litigation practice
in Microsoft Word
Evidence management and opinion drafting suite for legal professionals.
More Billable Hours in Less Time
Streamlined Evidence Management, Opinion Writing, and Factum Drafting
Saves you money
Decrease the cost of lawyer turnover through easy retention and transfer of legal work product.
Saves your clients' money
Increase settlement volume and decrease file costs with streamlined opinion drafting and accelerated litigation prep.
Automates evidence organization
Reduce human error through automatic fact updating, sorting, and citing.
Plugs into your existing workflow
Seamless adoption as a Microsoft Word plugin for Windows, Mac, and web.
A better way to manage litigation practices and claims departments
Draft opinions, manage evidence, transfer knowledge, audit lawyers — all in one place
Opinion Templates
Open frequently used opinion templates or create a new one, firm-wide, in seconds.
Streamline your file intake
Automatically organize information for ongoing file handling
Identify usual issues for specific types of opinions

Point Repository
Efficiently manage facts, issues, and evidence throughout the entire matter lifecycle — from intake to trial.
Access and manipulate evidence and fact-chronologies alongside legal assessments.
Intelligently handle evidence citations within the document
Enable senior lawyers to audit their team's fact- and issue-handling.

Get started today.
© 2020 QuickBriefer Inc.
Patent Pending. All rights reserved.
250 Yonge Street, Suite 2201
Toronto, Ontario M5B 2L7